Top 100 Timber Strikes Again For Hot Sales Western Winner Hanlon

Timber strikes again! “Timber: U.S. Marshal: A Bullet For Diablo” has broken through the noise to break into the top one hundred giving Hanlon yet another bestseller for his overflowing cup. Mastery of the character and the driving beat of reader demand has once again proven Hanlon to have the magic touch.
“Hanlon has the knack,” DSP Chief Publicist Nick Wale commented on this latest success. “He’s a bright shining star for Western authors to follow. Create a great character and let readers dictate success. Don’t try to tell readers what to buy—give readers what they’ve been asking to read. Hanlon is a master.”
And with smash hit after smash hit on the Western charts, this strategy of giving readers what they’ve been asking for has resulted in Timber becoming one of the fastest growing Western series and one that could well position itself as the top series in the genre if Hanlon keeps the hits rolling.
“Robert Hanlon is a great talent,” Wale explained. “But he listens and listening is where success comes from. He knew early on that he would need the readers onside and he has done everything he possibly could to give them what they’ve requested—and look how it’s worked.”
Sitting at #50 on the Western bestseller chart, “Timber: U.S. Marshal: A Bullet For Diablo” will soon be followed by a new adventure from Hanlon—already announced—going through final edits and heading to market soon. “Timber: U.S. Marshal: Crimson Silver” will be heading into readers’ hands and into the bestseller listings real, real soon.
What Is “Timber: U.S. Marshal: A Bullet For Diablo” About?
Five marshals chased outlaw Jonah Leadman across Texas, but only one man could take him down: Jake Timber. But now Leadman has escaped from prison and joined forces with Mexican killer Diablo to exact his revenge. Five marshals are slated to die, with Timber saved for last!
Can Timber stop this killing machine in time? Or will Diablo bring Hell on Earth in a flurry of death and destruction? Timber will have to move fast, as he has only one Bullet for Diablo.
Where Can I Get My Copy?
“Timber: U.S. Marshal: A Bullet For Diablo” is available now from Amazon as a Kindle e-book with a paperback set for release in the near future.
“Hanlon has the knack,” DSP Chief Publicist Nick Wale commented on this latest success. “He’s a bright shining star for Western authors to follow. Create a great character and let readers dictate success. Don’t try to tell readers what to buy—give readers what they’ve been asking to read. Hanlon is a master.”
And with smash hit after smash hit on the Western charts, this strategy of giving readers what they’ve been asking for has resulted in Timber becoming one of the fastest growing Western series and one that could well position itself as the top series in the genre if Hanlon keeps the hits rolling.
“Robert Hanlon is a great talent,” Wale explained. “But he listens and listening is where success comes from. He knew early on that he would need the readers onside and he has done everything he possibly could to give them what they’ve requested—and look how it’s worked.”
Sitting at #50 on the Western bestseller chart, “Timber: U.S. Marshal: A Bullet For Diablo” will soon be followed by a new adventure from Hanlon—already announced—going through final edits and heading to market soon. “Timber: U.S. Marshal: Crimson Silver” will be heading into readers’ hands and into the bestseller listings real, real soon.

What Is “Timber: U.S. Marshal: A Bullet For Diablo” About?
Five marshals chased outlaw Jonah Leadman across Texas, but only one man could take him down: Jake Timber. But now Leadman has escaped from prison and joined forces with Mexican killer Diablo to exact his revenge. Five marshals are slated to die, with Timber saved for last!
Can Timber stop this killing machine in time? Or will Diablo bring Hell on Earth in a flurry of death and destruction? Timber will have to move fast, as he has only one Bullet for Diablo.
Where Can I Get My Copy?
“Timber: U.S. Marshal: A Bullet For Diablo” is available now from Amazon as a Kindle e-book with a paperback set for release in the near future.