Natalie Wilde U.S. Bounty Hunter
Natalie Wilde Bounty Hunter

Natalie is twenty-two years old. Her parents were killed in a bandit attack when she was away working in the town of Haven Texas miles away trying to earn some money for them. They had smallholding that was hard to make any money from. The smallholding was near the town of Fort Davis on the slopes of the mountains.

Natalie didn’t like the work at the salon in Haven. She got a lot of flack from the men that frequented it. She had a good figurer and long blond hair that attracted men to her like bees to a honey pot.

She got involved with a man there who came in the saloon lot. He had men after him as he was in banking. He took her under his wing and helped her with the men in there. Then he got shot and killed. She was so angry she got his gun and killed the man who had killed him. She found that easy because of her looks she was able to get to the killer easily.

She sold the smallholding and with the success she’d had she decided to become a bounty hunter. She was lucky in that the town deputy took a shine to her and taught her how to shoot. She had two guns, a Colt .45 in a holster at her side and a small .38 in the back of her pants.

She refined what the deputy had taught her and over time became a crack shot. She was so inflamed at her family being wiped out and now the man who she had taken a shine to and who had helped her that all she wanted to do now was take out any bad men around that she could.